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Welcome to

Little Dog Ranch

Your off-grid well-being resource

The world is hectic.
Your life doesn't have to be.

Welcome! We're glad you're here.

Welcome to Little Dog Ranch, where we recognize the importance of being self-sufficient and finding time to relax and enjoy the life you desire.


We strive to provide information and ideas that can help everyone in their journey toward creating a sustainable lifestyle—whether you’re just starting out or already have an off grid home.


We know that your home should be a sanctuary where you can connect with nature, become self-reliant, and express your creativity. Join us for information on building a sustainable off grid lifestyle, de-stressing from daily life, and creating healthy habits.


Thank you for being here!

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Get off the grid and build a sustainable lifestyle.


Relax, de-stress, and find the magic in your life.

Off grid and well-being must-reads

Our team

Little Dog Ranch founder, Julie


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Writer, editor, master herbalist, and founder of Little Dog Ranch.

Our little dog, Lucy


Tug-of-war winner, lap warmer, and best all-around little dog.

Little Dog Ranch co-founder, Clay


Cybersecurity professional, off-road adventurer, and co-founder of Little Dog Ranch.

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This site is supported by our audience. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. However, I only recommend products I love and/or use.

The information, products, and materials included on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified healthcare professional with any questions you have regarding medical conditions or treatment.

Copyright 2021 Julina Small

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